Friday, May 18, 2007

Some duckies floating down the river

It has been another few weeks of running around like a mad monkey trying to get work done, while booking rooms before holidays. DL and I would be comfortable flying there without booking any accomodation, but that is a strict no no on this trip -it is his parents´first time in Asia. And yes, when you turn 60, go to a foreign place, know zilch of the language and have tired legs; all you want to do is just sink to a comfy, clean bed (remembers some horrendous China hotels) at the end of the day.

Time to also empty the mind of all thoughts. These days I´m wondering if I´m more impatient or that time is getting to scarce that things need to be done in speedy gonzales´ lightning time. No longer do I have the energy to lift information to people´s mouth in hope that their hunger will find the food. These days it seems it is more convenient for people to hide behind my words and thoughts that it makes others perceive the worst of me. It makes me wonder if they are just people I meet in my life or will be lasting friends? Is it not wanting to confront the truth because it´s uncomfortable or it´s just convenient to protect oneself and not rock the boat?

Maybe it´s just time to let some duckies float down the river.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

An ex-boss used to say whenever I'd ask him "so, is it A or is it B?" and he would say Yes.

great to learn that indefinitely is not forever.

definitely and anonymously yours,

11:49 AM  
Blogger clara said...

Sounds like you've just gotten over a bad experience.
Take care and enjoy your hols!
Waiting to hear more when you blog after the trip.

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey gal, understand your situation, no right or wrong.Time is limited, so just do what you think is important...

Anyway, you're on hols, so just enjoy ya... Look forward to more pics... Also you back here, in SPORE... :)


10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

8:03 AM  

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