Sunday, January 13, 2008

Magic porridge pot does not overfloweth this time

Second time at cooking oats with soy bean was not without mishaps (this shows me to be the most incompetent chef) hahah...but at least I did not overestimate the oatmeal and cause a 'magic porridge pot' incident.

The last time I was thinking that 'oh the oatmeal is so tiny, we're not going to be filled at all.' Which promptly made me decide to liberally add scoops more. Little did I know that these oat bastards actually absorb liquids and decided to torture me by expanding themselves causing a huge pot of oat. Making me swear off them quite a while after eating it that time!

Must have happened to Paul Galdone as well, who is male and can not possibly cook (yay to stereotypes to make me feel better); who made up the secret magic words to make the clean up more palatable to whoever was cleaning up after him.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't you just throw away the excess? Keke...I'm not the best chef, but you get the same effect with barley seeds. Now you know ;)
- clara

7:41 PM  

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