Thursday, January 31, 2008

On being a pair

It bugs me till no end to be given invitations through my other half. Almost like an afterthought. Rude!


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Make your head!

Wrapping your head around your parter (not that head), while they're away.

Looks like I need one of these when DL goes away on business this year!

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Snooze you! Part 2

DL hit me right in the chest in the middle of the night mumbling that I was watching him choke and not doing anything about it. Turns out his head was stuck in the middle of two pillows!

The second incident happened a few hours later when he woke me up tickling my belly button. It was only this morning that he told me he was dreaming something and not trying to irritate me.

Looks like I have infected him.




Dance for warmth

Dance Dance Revolution swept throught the ah beng and ah lian community like a storm. It was what they were all waiting for to show their dance talents. I had always secretly admired them dancing in coordination twirling their hands in the air with purpose and feet like Gene Kelly; except this will be probably how looked as he danced away from the fashion police.

Well, in secondary school I never had the self-confidence to try such a game.

Now, times have changed.

I borrowed mats my colleague's bought from Taobao (淘宝), downloaded Step Mania and Voila! DL and I spent the last two weekends swaying and John Travolt-ing to Ace of Base's All that She Wants and Kylie's Locomotion. It left us panting and gasping and tired calves; but definitely warmer than before.

Warm and fun beats miserable and cold!

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm not sure if it's good or bad when someone who might be hiring says "I'm not sure we can afford you".


Smoke and strawberries

It is now so cold that you see 'smoke' coming out from your nostrils. For the two years I have been in Shanghai, this must be the most wicked winter - snow has already invited itself three times (not that heavy though).

Strawberries on the other hand, fluorish with pride with their sweet taste while we are languishing like icicles.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Snooze you!

Many of my friends will agree that the greatest invention is the snooze button on the mobile phone. No more waking up rudely and better yet, continue snatching on to driftwoods of sleep.

One morning, I woke up to the trumpets of the snooze alarm and was quite mad. As a physical reaction, instead of snoozing my mobile, I slapped my hand on DL's nose to snooze him. (Although he wasn't making any sounds beside me at that time)

Truth be told, he does need some well-deserved snoozing when he snores or wakes me up from dreams just as I'm about to play with two kittens.

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Magic porridge pot does not overfloweth this time

Second time at cooking oats with soy bean was not without mishaps (this shows me to be the most incompetent chef) hahah...but at least I did not overestimate the oatmeal and cause a 'magic porridge pot' incident.

The last time I was thinking that 'oh the oatmeal is so tiny, we're not going to be filled at all.' Which promptly made me decide to liberally add scoops more. Little did I know that these oat bastards actually absorb liquids and decided to torture me by expanding themselves causing a huge pot of oat. Making me swear off them quite a while after eating it that time!

Must have happened to Paul Galdone as well, who is male and can not possibly cook (yay to stereotypes to make me feel better); who made up the secret magic words to make the clean up more palatable to whoever was cleaning up after him.

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Monday, January 07, 2008

First day of school syndrome

Having problems sleeping even though my eyelids are heavy.

Too many thoughts surrounding human relationships and the big, seducing activities of the city.

A village girl in the life of a city girl.
