Beer festival. On a separate night gott groped by sleazy brit man. Result: Falling dead asleep on cabs and waking up on the couch way past afternoon. With unglamourously messed up hair from sleeping without drying hair. Enough.
Well maybe not so much of 'enough' for beer festival with friends.

Beer fest @Kunshan
Despite countless yamseng-ing (Singapore-Malaysian toast) in our semi-drunken state on mostly cheap 天目湖 beer & Erdingers, we failed to attract any fellow countrymen. Or maybe they were overwhelmed by our extremely talkative mexican & colombian friends. Lesson learnt at beer fest: Always handy to have mexicans with colombians when near a fire, they can generate enough saliva to put it out.
To prove to ourselves that we can have fun and do absolutely silly things without alcohol, WL and I went to A's for less decadence mixed with potluck. Made simple salsa that proved yummy, but the cutting tomato into small bits drove me nuts.

All stuffed @ A's

Neglected. A's cat feeling left out from all the fun.

Caught in the act trying to sniff out the cheese in the bag. Attention seeker!

Us picking at our marbles, literally with this game and a few others. Which was fine, till 1am set in and A wanted
us to play charades - how do you charade to 'german bartender' and 'suggested itinerary'? We managed 'fake gucci bag' and 'traffic light'. While guessing 'marijuana', A and I were shouting out
drugs! cocaine! getting high! heroin! opium! Everything and all hard drugs, but. heh. Definitely must have one of these games nights again. In themes. So take out your pink wigs, your frilly shanghainese pjs and sense of humour
(you'd be surprised how many people are sore losers); we'll be there.