Jaunt in Tianjin
It's about as exciting as cleaning a fish tank. You can cover it in a day, including a quick taxi ride that will cost you about 30-40RMB around what Lonely Planet calls you can't miss it Five major lanes (五大道) with colonial styled buildings; remnants of eight western countries which were in China in the times around opium war.

Glimpses of Five major streets

Golden oldie

About as excited as this dog
Tianjin University is a sleepy, vintage looking place. T tells me it is a pretty good university. I'm not surprised, the environment is definitely conducive for studying. They are really good at attracting attention, though I wonder where the mannequin came from.


school visiting
The remaining colonial reminders are disconnected with the new Tianjin, whereby like any part of China, has malls and condominiums sprouting at every corner. But it doesn't make this place any livable, as it's factories are constantly spewing dust. A giant-sized ah yi made to order is needed to put the spick and span back in this place. Even as it's being claimed to be one of the top five investing cities in China; it's hard to feel liveliness in this place with it's ever growing ageing population (3rd largest proportion in China). As T aptly put across,"I'm not sure if Tianjin is waking up, or just falling into deep slumber."
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