Our dear hammy...

A week ago, news came that my dear hammy had to be put to sleep because she was suffering from a skin disease. While I was in back home (Singapore) few months ago, another adoptee of my other hammie also passed on due to old age. Extremely tame and pliable, each would lay on her belly and allow people to 'flatten' her out while stroking.

Other than having a very sweet nature, both were extremely greedy. And I leave with this anecdote from a dear friend.
"..Somehow hammie's skin condition just could not get better after taking medicine and having undergone an injection. I thought it was getting better, but somehow after the last time we met, it seemed to take a turn for the worse. As every waking hour, she would continue to scratch herself red and sore. Though strangely enough, she would always stop to eat a fresh lettuce or bean or two, when placed directly in front of her. And once done eating, it is always back to scratching."
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