Thursday, July 20, 2006

List of wants

Give me the latest Kate Spade Bel Air collection,
give me a fancy meal at Yongfoo Elite,
give me the best standing seats you can find for Black Eyed Peas concert,
give me more of that Shanghai Temptation. Bartender, shots all around if you please.

Give me SGD72 so that it will pay for a child's education for a whole year,
give me a handwritten note/ letter/ something revealing whispers of your heart which fail to reach out from your mouth,
give me blue skies and fresh air (forgive me for often taking you twins for granted),
give me cliched peace anytime over melodramatic earthquakes/ tsunamis/ war conflicts,
give me your time and thoughtfulness,
give me freedom of thought,
give me courage to choose speaking openly over defending my emotions & choices.
Give me Hope.


This puts everything into perspective doesn't it?


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