Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Fickle distractions

Amazed how easy it was to get over M. I had thought or wished it was more difficult, masochist that I am. Almost willing, wanting, holding on to savouring passion and colour of that company past.


Looking down at the street market right below the balcony window of my new apartment is like watching tv. There is constant 'action' - bicyclists trying to run down or avoiding successfully everyone, bargaining, people lying on armchairs and a cageful of pigeons. There's always something that makes you eagle-eyed for more. Roomie and I affectionately name this area 'the slums' - but in this simple locality, there is so much beauty in imperfection.


16 - 19 July I have designated as beverage making days. Green tea with manuka honey, filtered Killiney coffee, green bean soup carefully chilled. Without question, we're well prepared for summer. Let's see how many days we can keep this up since I'm not reeaaally into washing up.


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