Monday, July 17, 2006

My hero

Was back getting my dose of Discovery Channel (before I return to non-Discovery Channel home), stumbling upon an interview with Sir David Attenborough. Part of the interview caught my attention when he said "...So if you say, 'I believe that God designed and created and brought into existence every single species that exists,' then you've also got to say, 'Well, he, at some stage, decided to bring into existence a (tape) worm that's going to turn people blind.' Now, I find that very difficult to reconcile with notions about a merciful God. And I certainly find it difficult to believe that a God — superhuman, supreme power — would actually do that." That was a prelude to him further describing his experiences with chimpanzees who hunt as a team and tore a monkey apart and blue whale toying cruelly with its prey (sealion) before killing it. Criticised heavily for explicit gore on television (what's this compared to what's on news now?!), he revealed wotever shown on television was already the pared down version (!!!)

"It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living." much conviction, I like.


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