Sunday, July 02, 2006

Curfew thoughts

Had dinner with the clan tonight and my conversation with didi (younger cousin who is 14) naturally shifted to watching soccer. He told me that there are 24 hour McDonalds that do live feeds of matches; only to be told that there was a curfew and there was no way that he was going. I have heard of the curfew whereby youths were 'encouraged' (not allowed) to loiter in public space after 12am; but I never thought it was actually implemented. This is ridiculous! Although I think it does look like youths these days seem more into consumerism; on the other hand, I probably was equally aimless when I was their age. It's all about testing boundaries and exploring (although within an invisible self-imposed fence of 'i need to get good grades & then good job'), still they should be allowed to just be. Most amusing and frustrating when my parents think it's right.

"See, see another pregnant teenager abandoning her newborn, you still say don't need curfew." accompanied by ferocious pointing at newspaper.

Silence from me. So illogical, just because they're allowed to stay out late does not neccessarily lead to more unwanted pregnancies. Maybe it's not teaching and speaking about sexuality and birth control in school. Maybe it's a way of rebeling when all other avenues seem restricted. Maybe parents should communicate openly about sex instead of painting it as wrong, fullstop-don't-ask-me-anymore-I-know-I'm-right.

If only life's solutions were so straightfoward as imposing a restriction. If only we didn't have to uncover 'why'. Knowing the 'why' would be so uncomfortable 'innit?


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