Friday, September 15, 2006

Tread carefully*

*Also applies to TMI of illness

Despite being under caring cooking pots of the roomie, I have developed a frightful disposition on the 3rd day of my runs. After being deluded into not having runs anymore by useless antibiotics, we happily stuffed ourselves silly with tomyam soup mixed with sour assam. This morning, I found myself emptying all the contents of my stomach again. Not good, thus also making me extremely grumpy when a shitload of work is hanging precariously above on a balance above me.

Followed by a well-meaning (I know), that turned irritating msn conversation with someone.

Yes, I know if I'm sick I shouldn't be going to work.
Yes, I know I drink, but I'm not going to buy booze to a housewarming where there's a asian mom too (and where I can't drink any).
Yes, I know what you're going to say next (like I know what my parents are going to say). My stomach has turned into liquids but my brain is perfectly fine if you must know.

And if you're not sure that I'm being sarcastic, don't hesitate to wonder. I am.


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