Saturday, July 09, 2005

i & j - handwriting lessons

Apparently due to the little mistaken identity of handwriting that has caused me to be internet-less for the past 3-4 weeks. The cable guy who left me with a password had a 'i' that had a little tail, which was supposed to be a 'j' but I still obstinately decided it was an 'i'. Reason being a 'j' couldn't look so small and the little tail in the 'i' was just too sharp to be a proper 'j'. Tails of proper 'j's are supposed to be round, curved and always beckoning a fish to hook itself onto it.

So that all explains why I have been internet-less and have not been updating my blog. The grimy but nice repairman also mentioned that my phone line wasn't working. So that made me feel much better. But that didn't remove the lingering silly feeling I still feel now for mistaking a cleverly disguised 'i' for a 'j'.


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