Monday, June 06, 2005

Tips to drinking bubble tea

Strengthen cheek muscles so that you’ll get used to the soreness of constantly sucking through the impossibly narrow straw tube (it always seems too small when the tapioca beads do not always find their ways into the designated freeway that’s pulling them in)

Two ways of drinking bubble tea: -
a)Drink all the liquid first then proceed to attack the tapioca beads
b)Try with all your suction might to suck all the drink & tapioca beads for maximum enjoyment (Risk involved: choking)

So today I did the latter and didn’t choke. But I did perform an operation on my bubble tea which can only happen in the confines of your home or in the office (for fear of getting ostracised due to looking as if you haven't eaten this for ten thousand years). Any sharp object will do if you’re desperate to get to the oh-so-delish and chewy beads.

Using my scissors I quickly snipped a whole in the center of the plastic barrier. Finally, being able to see my ‘targets’, I promptly devoured every single one of them with wicked glee.


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