Friday, June 10, 2005


Since the glove has been thrown out, I shall attempt to answer the following in the same format as the previous post. But unlike the last, the stakes for these statements seem to be higher.

I have never had an unholy thought about a married person.

Lest all my married friends run away from me, don't worry, it's definitely not you girls all seriousness it was totally unrequited. He just has qualities which I admire in a man (the rest are all boys) - smart, wicked sense of humour, nerdish-decent looking, thoughtful and giving. I have to admit I was a little in love with him (as some of you may know, so that was unholy, harboring more than friendly affections for a married man). He likens our relationship to Dave & his sidekick at Teen Scene in the book Dinner for Two. We talk about everything, nothing is taboo. I enjoy his friendship very much. I miss the days where I'm giggling at my computer screen when we talk on msn about the origins of vulgarities, bitching about idiots who go masquerading as people, glow-in-the-dark condoms and where to meet after he skips work + I skip school to talk about our darkest fears and loftiest dreams.

I have never thought that anything was unholy.
I don't remember which is the most unholy thought (which should scare all of you) but I must have plenty. The only one unholy thought I can remember saying out loud and not feel guilty was "Sometimes I wish my grandmother lived forever, I can live without my parents if I can have her back." This would be self-explanatory if you knew I was brought up by my grandmother.

I have never cursed myself for not having been bold enough to say something.

I have never cheated or helped a friend cheat in an exam.
I have never pretended to park five minutes later than I did when punching out holes in a parking ticket. Only because I don't drive...
I have never lied to save my a**.
I have never eaten a meal in the preparation of which no animals were harmed.
Read "About Me", I'm an unsuccessful non-meat eater.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms Yan: Just like that, eh? Ask and you shall receive? Great, and I'm feeling really kaypoh today and sort of down in life all at the same time, so here goes ....

1. I have never hated myself.
2. .....

Just kidding - later, in person or on the phone, Ok?

And I think you should be going back to work on Monday. Enough is enough.

Love, Mentorama

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW you misread "I have never thought that anything was unholy." Read again - I think you answered "I have never had an unholy thought," unless I am all sotong one today, like I've been for a while.


5:25 PM  
Blogger Anal Analyst said...

Whoa.. Too much information to absorb all at once! Haha!

This is a new you I'm seeing.. Way to go.. :)

12:24 AM  

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