Since the glove has been thrown out, I shall attempt to answer the following in the same format as the previous post. But unlike the last, the stakes for these statements seem to be higher.
I have never had an unholy thought about a married person.
Lest all my married friends run away from me, don't worry, it's definitely not you girls hahahahaha...in all seriousness it was totally unrequited. He just has qualities which I admire in a man (the rest are all boys) - smart, wicked sense of humour, nerdish-decent looking, thoughtful and giving. I have to admit I was a little in love with him (as some of you may know, so that was unholy, harboring more than friendly affections for a married man). He likens our relationship to Dave & his sidekick at Teen Scene in the book Dinner for Two. We talk about everything, nothing is taboo. I enjoy his friendship very much. I miss the days where I'm giggling at my computer screen when we talk on msn about the origins of vulgarities, bitching about idiots who go masquerading as people, glow-in-the-dark condoms and where to meet after he skips work + I skip school to talk about our darkest fears and loftiest dreams.
I have never thought that anything was unholy.
I don't remember which is the most unholy thought (which should scare all of you) but I must have plenty. The only one unholy thought I can remember saying out loud and not feel guilty was "Sometimes I wish my grandmother lived forever, I can live without my parents if I can have her back." This would be self-explanatory if you knew I was brought up by my grandmother.
I have never cursed myself for not having been bold enough to say something.I have never cheated or helped a friend cheat in an exam.
I have never pretended to park five minutes later than I did when punching out holes in a parking ticket. Only because I don't drive...
I have never lied to save my a**.
I have never eaten a meal in the preparation of which no animals were harmed.
Read "About Me", I'm an unsuccessful non-meat eater.
Time as slow as a snail
My mind is as muddled as porridge this fine Thursday afternoon so I can't use my mind waves to force time to speed up. Here are things about me I will have no problems revealing in real life but I doubt such 'scintillating' conversations will come up anyway. Testing the boundaries of morality and illusions (or delusions) about what people have about me for that matter.
A list of “I’ve Never..”
The bold items are TRUE.
Copy, Paste & Spread…
I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
I've Never Crashed A Friend’s Car
I've Never Been To Japan
I've Never Been In A Taxi
I've Never Been In Love
I've Never Had Sex In Public
I've Never Been Dumped
I've Never Done Cocaine
I've Never Shoplifted
I've Never Been Fired
I've Never Been In A Fist Fight
I've Never Had Group Intercourse
I've Never Snuck Out Of My Parents’ House
I've Never Been Tied Up
I've Never Regretted Having Sex With Someone
I've Never Been Arrested
I've Never Made Out With A Stranger
I've Never Stolen Something From My Job
I've Never Celebrated New Years In Time Square
I've Never Gone On A Blind Date
I've Never Lied To A Friend
I've Never Had A Crush On A Teacher
I've Never Celebrated Mardi Gras In New Orleans
I've Never Been To Europe
I've Never Skipped School
I've Never Slept With A Co-Worker
I've Never Cut Myself On Purpose
I've Never Had Sex At The Office
I've Never Been Married
I've Never Been Divorced
I've Never Had Sex With More Than One Person Within The Same Week
I've Never Posed Nude
I've Never Gotten Someone Drunk Just To Have Sex With Them
I've Never Killed Anyone
I've Never Received Scars From My Sex Partner
I've Never Thrown Up In A Bar
I've Never Purposely Set A Part Of Myself On Fire
I've Never Eaten Sushi
I've Never Been Snowboarding
I've Never Had Sex At A Friend’s House While They Were Throwing A Party
I've Never Had Sex In A Dressing Room
I've Never Flashed Anyone
I've Never Met Anyone From Online
Did you know? I didn't!
That thumbs are extremely important!!!! Apparently the king cut off the thumbs of twenty thousand (think that's the number, or it's just twenty something) men who worked on the Taj Mahal immediately after it was completed so this feat could never be repeated! Does this get the thumbs up or thumbs down? *Rolls on the floor laughing at own joke*
I'm evil because God is evil
My stomach cramps are giving me shite. It's not mind-numbing-can't-do-anything-but-lie-on-the-bed pain. It's just slow-methodical-drive-me-crazy pain. I feel like screaming at people.Oh. I think I just did. Spoke very loudly in a discussion with my colleagues.Shite.God created cramps for women. He's evil.I'm a girl/woman (half-half), so I'm evil too. Fuck (especially for sounding so autocratic & fickle).But then He created gelatos, sunrises, nice unpolluted breezes, alcohol, fireworks and trees. Fine. Maybe He's just sadomasochistic.
Lazy girl's guide to cleaning house #287
Let the dishes lie in the sink till you're mentally prepared to get to them. But the cardinal rule to letting them pretend to be corpses without the stink is to submerge them in water such that the 'ingredients' you left behind do not coagulate.
Tips to drinking bubble tea
Strengthen cheek muscles so that you’ll get used to the soreness of constantly sucking through the impossibly narrow straw tube (it always seems too small when the tapioca beads do not always find their ways into the designated freeway that’s pulling them in)
Two ways of drinking bubble tea: -
a)Drink all the liquid first then proceed to attack the tapioca beads
b)Try with all your suction might to suck all the drink & tapioca beads for maximum enjoyment (Risk involved: choking)
So today I did the latter and didn’t choke. But I did perform an operation on my bubble tea which can only happen in the confines of your home or in the office (for fear of getting ostracised due to looking as if you haven't eaten this for ten thousand years). Any sharp object will do if you’re desperate to get to the oh-so-delish and chewy beads.
Using my scissors I quickly snipped a whole in the center of the plastic barrier. Finally, being able to see my ‘targets’, I promptly devoured every single one of them with wicked glee.
Lazy girl's guide to a clean house #638
I neeeeed to clean my kitchen. My room. Making a trip inside those rooms (not very big apartment by the way) reminds me of all trash one little, cute person works up. Many many plates, lonely clothes to be sent to the cleaners to meet their friends, still many more waiting in a box and suitcase waiting to be packed. Swept the floor yesterday and was thinking of mopping the whole apartment today. Then I realised - no mopping detergent! Floors are impossible to be cleaned Solution: Use aromatherapy to give myself a psychological boost (not to mention make rooms smell better)
Grumpiness was killed a few minutes ago
My grumpiness was sentenced to death a few short minutes ago. Jolted.Was going to complain about not being able to find my clothes (which is STILL in my DHL box). No favourite black shrug, no cute plain U2 t-shirts to feel comfortable in, no shirts for impressing for the big roadshow on Friday. Only old lonely man hitting on me by suggesting dinner under camouflage of Singaporeans-bond-together-since-we're-lonely and salsa. Very lethal combination - I decided to avoid him.Then as I opened one of my browsers to type in a grumpy post and all that is wrong with my wardrobe world. My other browser bore an email that quashed all my disgruntled and acid-lined words. Someone I trained with in aikido committed suicide. Never spoke to him personally but the last time I trained in Singapore, he appeared to be a sincere, cheerful person. Who knew? I had this conversation with many people before: it's the people that really want to die, feel so desperate and lost that they never leave any clues. Those that leave hints, like leaving breadcrumbs in the forest, are crying for help. I always get so upset when I hear of someone comitted suicide. Brings me back to a personal experience. We haven't kept in touch for awhile, but the people she left behind devastated, broke me. I cried for hours after reaching a boyfriend's place. I was inconsolably babbling about not knowing why, seeing her family upset upset me. Maybe to them, we're the cowards, we deal with living because we cannot imagine or deal with death. The infiniteness of the imagined darkness. The end. This leads me to a morbid question, quick death or living like the unfeeling undead? Why can't the world be like my anime shows e.g. Inuyasha? Light and goodness doesn't win all the time granted. But there's always good friends to tease, support you even when you make mistakes, sharing love, laughs and secrets. They survive, because ultimately, they know they're never alone. 
simple beauty