Pre-training for babyhood
To top off an already grueling week of eight hour, back to back groups, I found a new born kitten.
It was screaming its head off in an alley which I usually cut through to get to the subway. There were already a few girls scrutinizing the thing, trying to figure out if it were a puppy or kitten, but I've heard enough miao's to confirm it was a kitten. I wasn't sure if to stay or go, my stomach was rumbling hard and not knowing if the mother cat was coming back was an issue.
After an eternity of heart wrenching screams and watching it stumble around, I made desperate phone calls to Sarah and Carlos asking if there were numbers to Shanghai chapter of SPCA, pet hospitals/ stores, vets, you name it. Well, let's just say I wasn't expecting any Shanghai SPCA numbers, and true enough, there wasn't. Maybe because they eat cats too. hmph. Anyway, the vet informed me that I was to feed no cow milk and had to get specific infant milk for this cat. Hence, a mad race that went in circles ensued in the next hour before we found a 24-hour pet hospital. I have to admit I felt a little worried that the little one wasn't going to make it since we were having so much trouble finding a pet store.
Now after a sleepless night of trying to feed and feeding every two hours, I'm very proud to say I've gotten the hang of it. Helping it to poo and pee was less horrifying than my what my expression let out at the pet hospital. A gremlim looked better than me on hearing those news.
Presenting pre-training babyhood pictures.

There are no pictures of Carlos and the kitten as yet because he will be given opportunity to nurse it while I'm in Beijing the next few days. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he will squirm less at its poo and pee.
Labels: home, unglamourous
Oh so cute! Kitten hasn't even opened its eyes. How does one help it to poo and pee? You gonna keep it? Got a name yet?
The nurse showed me and I was horrified! Taking a piece of wet tissue and mimicking its mom's licks on the anus. I tried it, for some strange reason was very proud to see its poo come out for me hehe
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