Saturday, February 07, 2009

Another note on obsessions

Most people close to me know that I have a obsession issue. Sometimes it's extremely useful when pursuing my goals, but extremely annoying as well when I refuse to sleep till I find a 'lost' item.

Recently it has been an obsession with trashy regency/ historical romance novels. I know I have read too much of them when at lunch with Joanne, I drop words like "inordinate" and "delicate sensibilities" into our conversations; normally spoken by female protagonists in those books. Sigh.

Monday, February 02, 2009

There's so much happening that it's hard to blog

I'm finding blogging harder and harder to keep up with since I have been trying to do more real-life relationships instead. Writing proper emails, meeting up in person, spending time with my family just listening to them being the paparazzi.

The thing is, I don't miss blogging.