Saturday, April 19, 2008

Crime: Unethical marketing and gross misuse of marketing jargon

I have to boycott companies that want to find an "emotional motivation" to give "differentiation" so that they can help their consumers to rationalize the lack of performance when they (the companies) deliver sub-standard products. No matter how experienced and possibly smart these marketers are, this is simply TOO LAZY!

This is multiplied by stupidity when none of the clients can make up their mind of what they want to find out from the research. In the brief they just decided to throw in some marketing jargon for good measure to seem smart because it seems like that is what they want to find.

"I just want new insights! XXX making them feel they're going to be successful is great!" Are you even listening to what you're saying? A good job will give you success, a good education will give you success, and expensive car will make you feel you have succeeded. Will something as ordinary as a drink or tampon be able to deliver success? Maybe it will help them a little, but just a teeny little nano bit. You have to translate this need for "success" into something down to earth and relevant with little linkages in between. "This makes me feel it's going to help me succeed" is a superficial and easy way to brush people off a conversation.

And I'm off tomorrow morning to "solve" this "problem" for them. My boss is too busy and tired to give this too much thought. So I guess they will have to be satisfied with non-director me.


China Eastern Boo Boo!

Not only were the security queues horrific (waited close to an hour!), but I also waited 4 hours before I was informed of the flight cancellation through passenger commotion. It took another hour before they announced over the loudspeaker the flight is cancelled. Not after 2 flights of passengers heading to Changsha started venting their anger at the MU managers on duty.

And why was the flight cancelled?
First flight cancelled due to bad weather from origin and the wait ensues.
At 9.30pm they decide to divert a flight from Guangzhou over and slight joy blossomed in my heart when they announced an 11.30pm departure time.

At close to 10.30pm, someone finally realised that Changsha airport is NOT 24 hours and even if the flight departs from HongQiao airport, it will never be able to land!

I can't say I sympathise the MU managers on duty, they were defensive and using responsibility as a shield. Their apologies were not heartfelt, just to get incredibly pissed off passengers off their back. Best was their 'compensation' of 100RMB if you cancel your ticket. Come on! Opportunity cost of being in an airport on a Friday night while your friends are at dinner is PRICELESS!

Later we found out passengers who managed to squeeze on the following day's flight at 10-12pm were compensated 200RMB. My colleague was indignant, why were they treated better?

"I'm only given enough authority and obliged to give 100RMB; since you have cancelled your tickets. You are no longer our customers and responsibility."

What great PR! Rolls eyes

Actually it was more exciting for me to see such a big commotion since some passengers who threatening to speak to airport authority, call in tv station and video taping the whole experience. Most definitely though, I'm boycotting China Eastern for their stupidity. Forever and ever and ever!
